Silicon Photonics
Optical Ring Resonator
Fibre-to-chip couplers:
end-facet coupling
lensed fiber
surface grating
Spot-size converters:
planar taper
MMI couplers:
MMI Optimisation
1x8 MMI Splitter
MMI Demultiplexer
Fibre Taper
Fiber Bragg Gratings
SOI SG-DBR Grating
Planar Y-Junction
Broadband Coupler
Laser Cavity Modes
Multi-core PCF splitter
OAM Vortex Beams
Plasmonic waveguides
Anti-reflection coating
Euler Curves and Bent Tapers
FIMMWAVE applications
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Silicon Photonics Modelling
Simulations with FIMMWAVE and FIMMPROP
FIMMPROP is probably the most widely used
software propagation tool
for the modelling of silicon photonics. It is a very efficient full
vectorial 3D model with a full CAD interface - including GDS-II export -
capable of modelling propagation in a large variety of high-index
Typical designs that can be modelled
with FIMMPROP include MMI couplers, directional couplers, Y-junctions,
spot-size converters, mode-size converters, grating couplers, ring
resonators etc.
Benefits of EingenMode Expansion for silicon photonics
When compared with other methods
such as BPM, FEM or FDTD, FIMMPROP and the
EigenMode Expansion (EME) method offer many
benefits to model silicon photonics:
EME is a rigorous method: no slowly varying
approximation (unlike BPM which is approximate!)
FIMMPROP is fully vectorial: can handle high
index contrast, even for shallow or partial etch
Wide angle capability
(unlike BPM which can only model a small range of angles)
High speed: fast propagation in
long waveguides, use of semi-analytical methods,
fast design optimisation etc. FIMMPROP is much faster than FEM or FDTD!
FIMMPROP's unique adaptive
taper algorithm allows it to
model z-varying structures very efficiently.
Fast scanning and
optimisation: vary some design parameters instantly!
Effortless integration
of a
FIMMPROP component simulation with our photonic circuit simulator
PICWave for the modelling of active and passive PICs.
The examples below are a selection of
FIMMWAVE and FIMMPROP applications focusing on silicon photonics.
Modes of a Silicon Waveguide
Fiber to Chip Silicon Vertical Grating
Inverted Taper for Fiber to Silicon Chip Coupling
Silicon Optical Ring Resonator Filter
Silicon MMI Coupler for Wavelength Demultiplexing

Intensity profile in a silicon ring coupler (full results
FIMMPROP is used by most of the major players in silicon photonics, and
it has been used extensively in publications over the past few decades -
just type "FIMMWAVE silicon" or "FIMMPROP silicon" in Google
Scholar! You can find a small sample below.
Authors' affiliation |
Reference |
Intel |
Haisheng Rong, Ansheng Liu, Richard Jones, Oded Cohen, Dani Hak, Remus Nicolaescu, Alexander Fang and Mario Paniccia, "An all-silicon Raman laser", Nature 433, 292-294 (2005)
Eric Dulkeith, Fengnian Xia, Laurent Schares, William M. J Green, and Yurii A. Vlasov, "Group index and group velocity dispersion in silicon-on-insulator photonic wires", Optics Express, Vol. 14, Issue 9, pp. 3853-3863 (2006)
H. Park, A. W. Fang, R. Jones, O. Cohen,
O. Raday, M. N. Sysak, M. J. Paniccia, and J. E. Bowers,"A
hybrid AlGaInAs-silicon evanescent waveguide photodetector",
OPTICS EXPRESS 6044-6062, Vol.15, No.10 (2007)
Gent University |
T. Claes, J.G. Molera, K. De Vos, E. Schachtb, R. Baets, P.
Bienstman, "Label-Free Biosensing With a Slot-Waveguide-Based
Ring Resonator in Silicon on Insulator," IEEE Photonics Journal,
1, 3, pp.197-204 (2009) |
Wouter J. Westerveld, H. Paul Urbach and Mirvais Yousefi, "Optimized 3-D Simulation Method for Modeling Out-of-Plane Radiation in Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 47, 5, pp. 561-568 (2011)
Molex |
A. N. M. M. Choudhury, T. R. Stanczyk, D. Richardson, A. Donval, R. Oron and M. Oron, "Method of Improving Light Coupling Efficiency Between Optical Fibers and Silicon Waveguides", IEEE Photonics Tech. Lett. 17, 9, pp. 1881-1883 (2005)
University of Texas at Austin |
A. Hosseini, H. Subbaraman, D. Kwong, Y. Zhang, R. T. Chen, “Optimum Access Waveguide Width for 1xN Multimode Interference Couplers on Silicon Nanomembrane,” Optics Letters, vol. 35, 2864-2866
University of Bristol |
A. Politi, M.J. Cryan, J.G. Rarity, S. Yu, J.L. O'Brien, "Silica-on-Silicon Waveguide Quantum Circuits", Science, vol. 320 (5876), pp. 646-649 (2008)
Universitat Autonoma de
Barcelona |
V.J. Cadarso, A. Llobera, I. Salinas, D. Izquierdo, I. Garces, C. Domınguez, "Silicon-based rectangular hollow integrated waveguides", Optics Communications 281, p. 1568–1575 (2008)